
Engaging Environments is a national initiative funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). Our vision is a national community that advocates for co-creation as a crucial step in reducing the negative impacts of the climate crisis on the most affected people and places in the UK.
Our mission is to build capacity and support for minoritised communities and environmental scientists, to recognise the joint stake that those most affected by the climate crisis have in co-creating equitable environmental solutions.
Our ambition is to drive a national conversation and to advocate for the crucial role of developing leaders and institutions to consolidate this change, addressing structural and systemic issues. We also want to work creatively to explore the potential for limiting extractive practices and fostering regeneration through co-existence.
We have created local communities of practice in Greater Manchester, Thames Valley, Tyne & Wear, London, Nottingham, Bristol and Birmingham. Our UK-wide community partners form a national community, led by the University of Reading, and support by Critical Friends and our Scientific Advisory Collective.
Our journey, tools, stories, values and actions will inform best practice and guidance for equitable co-creation and public engagement, from which we can build a legacy for future co-creation environmental science projects.
We are in partnership with University College London, University of Manchester, University of Newcastle, University of West England, The Open University, Earthwatch Europe, Tekiu Ltd, Ignite!, and Figshare.
To find out more about our team, follow the link below.
Our team
Find out about the Engaging Environments team and our community partners.