Early Career Researchers

Partner Journey: Sarah Staunton-Lamb, Earthwatch

Sarah Staunton-Lamb is Learning, Communities and EDI Lead for Earthwatch Institute, based in Oxford, UK. Sarah has been a Co-Investigator on Engaging Environments since 2018, and has worked alongside the partnership to develop an extensive programme of work, particularly focused on the development of early career researchers [ECRs] in fields of environmental science and beyond. […]


Case Study: Science Camps for Early Careers Researchers with Earthwatch

Earthwatch is an organisation which envisions a world where we are able to live in balance with nature, and aims to achieve this through engagement and connection with nature which is powered by science. Based in Oxford, UK, Earthwatch was a partner of the Engaging Environments project, led by Co-Investigator Sarah Staunton-Lamb, with its main […]
